
Prompt Sales and Revenue Sharing

When users upload and sell their self-created AI prompts on Blockprompt, they receive a certain percentage of the sales revenue in cryptocurrency. There are opportunities to earn additional rewards based on the popularity or frequency of use of the prompt.

Quality Reviews and Feedback

Users who write useful and high-quality reviews for prompts provided by other users are rewarded in cryptocurrency for their contributions. Constructive feedback for the improvement of the platform is also eligible for rewards.

Community Participation and Activities

Users who participate in community forums or discussions, and share useful information or knowledge, demonstrating active engagement on the platform, are rewarded. Community contributions, such as assisting new users or answering frequently asked questions, are also eligible for rewards.

Competition and Challenge Participation

Blockprompt hosts various competitions and challenges. Users who participate and show outstanding performance are given additional rewards. This may include developing creative prompts or presenting innovative solutions for specific topics.

Special Events and Promotions

During certain seasons or event periods, users who perform specific activities or achieve goals are provided with additional rewards. For example, developing prompts on specific themes or active platform use during certain periods.

Through these various methods, Blockprompt encourages users to actively participate and contribute creatively within the platform. This plays a vital role in the growth of the platform and the expansion of its user base, contributing to the development of the AI prompt market.

Last updated